No. 53 Japanese Name Role Species
ストロングパンダ (Strong Panda) Rescue/Relief Warrior Panda (パンダ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Panzer Panda King of East Yutoranta Strong Aid
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Panda Panzer East Yutoranta Grasslands Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Strong Panda doesn't participate in many battles, but in emergencies he uses precise attacks. The reason is because he can see the weak point of an enemy with just a quick glance.
Characteristics: He is intelligent with a degree of Doctor of Medicine. Strong Panda performs swift medical treatments to wounded soldiers. He revives soldiers with his cyborg operations.

Weapon Abilities
The Strong Aid can cure disease and injured bodies.

No. 54 Japanese Name Role Species
シールドドラゴン (Shield Dragon) Communications Soldier Frilled Lizard (エリマキトカゲ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Leapin' Lizard Emperor of Jigurard Teleprojector
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Lézard Sauteur Dragon Peninsula Decepticon
Character Info

Abilities: Shield Dragon can amplify and transmit radio waves. When he uses this ability, he matches the frequency of distant countries and can see and hear the voices of people of those countries.
Characteristics: He thinks the same way about power and justice, just like the brutal Cobrandar. He is blamed of methods of inequality from other countries, for this he is ignored by those countries.

Weapon Abilities
The Teleprojector can catch and play video and audio from remote locations.

No. 55 Japanese Name Role Species
コアラグレー (Koala Grey) Grassland Reconnaissance Unit Koala (コアラ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Killer Koala King of Lapol Iron Axe
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Koala Menaçant Inland Area of Lapol Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Koala Grey can catch small sounds with electric waves with his ear and jam those signals. He exerts such a force that can knock down huge trees and rocks with the electronic vibration of his Iron Axe.

Characteristics: This biologist values life emensly and knows every plant and its effects on Planet Beast. His favorite food is salad.

Weapon Abilities
The boring Iron Axe Rock also has the power to crush rocks with one blow.

No. 56 Japanese Name Role Species
デモンキー (Demon Key) Forest Demolition Soldier Tarsier (メガネザル)
American Name Territory Weapon
Tarsier Tyrant Emperor of Parumira Demon Waver
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Tarsier Terrible North-east Area of Parumira Decepticon
Character Info

Abilities: Demon Key commands by tactics, based on psychological analysis. His greatest strength is when he is in the forest. He has the Demon Waver, which uses radio waves to upset enemies.

Characteristics: He was an active member in the forest, devising superior tactics during the war. This psychologist reads, and analyzes people, to find what they are thinking about.

Weapon Abilities
The Demon Waver sends a wave to upset the enemies mind.

No. 57 Japanese Name Role Species
ブラックジャガー (Black Jaguar) Head Bodyguard Black Leopard (黒ヒョウ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Black Panther King of Nupal Hyper Beam
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Panthère Noire Nupal Mountain Region Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Black Jaguar is one of the most terrible soldiers he uses various martial arts to antagonize his foes. In most circumstances, his power evenly matches Platinum Tiger.

Characteristics: A tactician that even Alligatron must tip his hat to. He has a great talent in weapons development. Black Jaguar burns with intense hostility toward Platinum Tiger.

Weapon Abilities
The Hyper Beam.

No. 58 Japanese Name Role Species
ドリームイーター (Dream Eater) Special Combat Unit Tapir (バク)
American Name Territory Weapon
Torrential Tapir Emperor of Erku Quick Dreamer
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Tapir Torrentiel Erku Plains Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Dream Eater uses low frequency to subject to induce hypnosis and learn what is troubling that person. He memorizes the information of biggest encyclopaedia when he dreams.

Characteristics: Dream Eater loves to talk about dreams. He quenches people's desires by giving them dreams. He uses alpha waves to help people maintain a peaceful mind. This educated scholar has the best selling book called "Dream Method".

Weapon Abilities
The Quick Dreamer produces a hypnotic low-frequency, to induce dreams among his foes.

No. 55 Japanese Name Role Species
コブランダー (Cobrandar) ??? King Cobra (キングコブラ)
American Name Territory Weapon
King Cobra King of Jigard Mahilacore
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Cobra Royal Interior of Jigard Decepticon
Character Info

Abilities: Cobrandar issues venom from his claws and fangs and Mahilacore also paralyses the nervous system in people, thereby creating mindless slaves.

Characteristics: He desires to be powerful at all time and during the war he vandalised many places on Planet Beast. He treats weaker people like a mole cricket.

Story of the Hydra Seal

The ancestors of the Supreme Commander White Leo protected the peace of the Planet Beast, and it was White Leo who caught the most heinous Cobrandar in Flame Fortress Red Phoenix. Special magic turned his body into a stone statue and contained him with the Hydra Seal!

Weapon Abilities
The Mahilacore emits strong radio waves, to paralyze the nerves to control his enemies.

No. 60 Japanese Name Role Species
バブーン (Baboon) Mountains and Forest Staff Officer Mandrill (マンドリル)
American Name Territory Weapon
Manic Mandrill Emperor of Nirmudo Babooner
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Mandrill Maniaque Jungles of Nirmundo Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Baboon is a master of the old martial arts, which he used karate and kenjutsu to take his enemies alive. These techniques are handed down generation to generation. He operates like a ninja in the jungle. Using the full power of the Babooner, he inflates objects like a balloon.

Characteristics: He knows more about the history and folklore of Planet Beast than anyone else. He loves to talk about tales of the past to all the young warriors. He grew up in the jungle in of South Nirmudo and has remarkable vigor, life-force, depth of character to overcome any situation.

Weapon Abilities
The Babooner launches a bubble beam to greatly inflate objects.

No. 61 Japanese Name Role Species
ドッグハンター (Dog Hunter) High-Speed Reconnaissance Unit Pointer (ポインター)
American Name Territory Weapon
Pixilated Pointer King of Iriano Beam Hunter
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Pointer Pointeur Southern Iriano Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Dog Hunters' ability to run is enhanced by cyborg enhancements on his feet allowing him to run 1000km per hour (621mph). He never misses his target and will track them down my all means. He can teleport himself wherever he likes on Iriano.

Characteristics: This bright character is best friends are Smile Duck and Big Serow. Because of Dog Hunters' intellect and so knowledgeable about the culture of Iriano, some people find Dog Hunter unapproachable. Once people to know him, he is hilarious and very passionate when talking with anyone.

Weapon Abilities
The Beam Hunter is a laser gun that has the power to teleport things.

No. 62 Japanese Name Role Species
ブーピンク (Bupink) Food Reconnaissance Unit  Pig (ピッグ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Pillager Pig King of Heles Gourmenia
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Porc Pillard Heles Island Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Bupink is a little overweight so his movment is not the greatest but has the ability to discover the food excellent.

Characteristics: He is a laid-back and somethimes lazy person, often made a fool by Beavop but he dosen't let it bother him.

Weapon Abilities
The Gourmenia uses molecules to creates food from his imagination.

No. 63 Japanese Name Role Species
レーザークック (Laser Cock) Air Staff Officer  Chicken (ニワトリ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Rowdy Rooster Emperor of East Yutoranta Variant Laser
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Coq Bagarreur East Yutoranta Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Laser Cock's physical strength and flying power are inferior to other air warriors, but his ability to think about the formation during battle in the air is outstanding.

Characteristics: He prefers to stay at home. The commander of the bird family and controls all the aerial warfare maneuvers.

Weapon Abilities
The Variant Laser rotates to create a laser barrier. It has the power to prevent an atomic bomb.

No. 64 Japanese Name Role Species
ムスクホーン (Musk Horn) Mountain Warrior  Musk Ox (ジャコウウシ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Musky Ox King of West Yutoranta Mind Saber
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Boeuf Musqué West Yutoranta Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Musk Horn excessively hates Ultra gas because he is sensitive to smell. He can control his own biological scent; this ability which got passed down from the old days in Western Yutoranta mountainous area. This fragrance is know to bring out super powers of people.

Characteristics: A warrior of innovation from a long time ago. He was studying music deep in the mountains. He enjoys playing the Alpine Horn. Musk Horn is very ascetic about his appearance. When he plays his melody, it often moves peoples souls.

Weapon Abilities
The Mind Saber discovers the secrets of any smell. Then launches "mind power" to increase strength.

No. 65 Japanese Name Role Species
パンゴール (Pangol) Armored Soldier Pangolin (センザンコウ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Tanglin' Pangolin Emperor of West Yutoranta Livingstone
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Pangolin Penaud Rockland Decepticon
Character Info

Abilities: Pangol moves around at high speed. He is like the Grim Reaper and is able to defeat his opponent in no time. His body is coveredwith extremely hard scales.

Characteristics: He is a killing machine who is not right in the head. Pangol is a terrible guy who only listens to the words of Alligatron.

Weapon Abilities
The Livingstone releases liquid from the tip and changse what it touches into stone.

No. 66 Japanese Name Role Species
スロー (Slow) Tactical Staff Officer Mole (ナマケモノ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Slowpoke Sloth King of Hamanan Slowbar
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Paresseux Lambin Muller Peninsula Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Often believed that Slow will never fight, but in the case of an emergency, there is a rumor that Slow has tremendous power to attack his enemies. He has brought many young people to Hamanan from Baraki and Gunmarino.

Characteristics: Slow  had a mind that is damn good, but will sleep the whole day away. When White Leo asks a question to him, he answers precisely at the right time. This tourist of Kantonia grew up in Muller peninsula. He has a great sense about him and is widely diplomatic about hobbies, music and sports. He is also a film actor.

Weapon Abilities
The Slowbar has the power to slow movement for 60 seconds.

No. 67 Japanese Name Role Species
アースホッグ (Earth Hog) Grassland Warrior Aardvark (ツチブタ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Ardent Aardvark Emperor of Hamanan Earth Scenery
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Tamanoir Ardent Inland Area of Hamanan Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Earth Hog's physical strength and speed are above average. He is very elusive when fighting in grasslands. Earth Hog controls the weather on Hamanan, to make it comfortable for his people. When fighting, he creates thunder and tornados during combat.

Characteristics: He is a brave character who fights for justice and everything right. Sometimes he can seem a bit angry because of his short temper. Earth Hog is a born entertainer and economist. Because of his ability to control the weather he made Hamanan a great resort.

Weapon Abilities
The Earth Scenery has the power to freely manipulate the weather on the ground.

No. 68 Japanese Name Role Species
ホワイトカウ (White Cow) Resource Development Unit Dairy Cow (乳牛)
American Name Territory Weapon
Bodacious Bovine King of Erku Bread & Butter
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Bovin Benêt Erku Plains Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: White Cow's combat capability is average, but his power he can quickly find energy faster than anyone else is amazing.

Characteristics: He is a very friendly character. This warrior's favorite things are flowers and butterfly's, and his hobby is reading.

Weapon Abilities
The Bread & Butter makes it possible to cut through hard metal just like a knife through butter.

No. 69 Japanese Name Role Species
ゼブラボール (Zebra Ball) Grassland Staff Officer Zebra (シマウマ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Zealot Zebra King of Jonston Super Zebra
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Zèbre Zélé Zebra City Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Zebra Ball's kicking power and speed is unmatched. He uses the Super Zebra when ​​running through lush vegetation because the laser cuts open an instant path in the vegetation.

Characteristics: He has a great mind and is a very good person, but often worries about other people. He is the type that will not change his mind until he fully understand the situation.

Weapon Abilities
The Super Zebra has the power to open up a path in the trees and grass while running.

No. 70 Japanese Name Role Species
イーグルキラー (Eagle Killer) Sky Maneuver Soldier Hawk (タカ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Harrier Hawk King of Nirmudo Skeleton Killer
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Aigle Espiègle Cape Mood (North End of Nirmudo) Decepticon
Character Info

Abilities: Eagle Killer's physical fitness and flying ability is amazing, but there is a huge fear of making mistakes. Eagle Killer grew up in a severe climate and uses a wave to see his target even if it is at night covered by trees and fog.

Characteristics: This guy is very sinister and always has an ax to grind. He absolutely hates Laser Cock. Eagle killer who grew up in severe climate of Cape Mood who learned to use his strength until the had nothing left. He is popular among the hawks.

Weapon Abilities
The Skeleton Killer creates a wave that always him to fly while seeing through various materials.

No. 71 Japanese Name Role Species
ダックダイバー (Duck Diver) Underwater Probe Unit Platypus (カモノハシ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Diving Duckbill Emperor of Lapol Aqua Barrier
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Ornithorynque Plongeur North Beach of Lapol Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Duck Diver plays an active part in land-based attacks, but also has the ability as a diver. He obtained information from the Koala Grey to create a barrier around him.

Characteristics: He has a fun personality and his sense of humor makes people relax all the time. When he is intoxicated he does not know when to stop with his jokes. He is a young general of the sea.

Weapon Abilities
The Aqua Barrier generates a barrier so he can move freely in the deep sea.

No. 72 Japanese Name Role Species
クローマックス (Crow Max) Air Staff Officer Crow (カラス)
American Name Territory Weapon
Crooked Crow Emperor of Nupal Big Hook
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Corneille Croche Nepal Mountain Region Decepticon
Character Info

Abilities: Crow Max flies at mach 3. He is a great leader and has tremendous mobility. Crow Max has an information network amongst the Planet Beast, which he can supply goods in less than 24 hours.

Characteristics: A hero who fought in the great war with Black Jaguar. He has been in the transportation business for generations, which is called Crow Airline.

Weapon Abilities
The Big Hook has the power to hang those who are hooked by it in the sky.

No. 73 Japanese Name Role Species
ミンゴーキッド (Mingo Kid) Air Combat Unit Flamingo (フラミンゴ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Frenzied Flamingo Emperor of Heles Performancer
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Flamant Criant Heles Island Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Mingo Kid is able to fly at Mach 2 and is the number one guy who can fly long distances. He can disrupt enemy listening devices the radar waves.

Characteristics: This warrior loves to fly in the sky more than anyone else. Because he is impatient, he often gets angry because of Laser Cock.

Weapon Abilities
The Performancer disassembles things on a molecular level, then restores them to life.

No. 74 Japanese Name Role Species
リトルセロウ (Little Serrow) Land Warrior Japanese Serow (カモシカ)
American Name Territory Weapon
Fleet-Footed Antelope King of Parmira Serow Carbine
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Antilope Pied-Léger Erku Plains Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Demon Key decided to have a 100% psychological analysis of Little Serow. He creates an anti-gravity beam to lift or to lighten the object.

Characteristics: He can calm down and change the decision of someone, so they do not want to do what they planned to do anymore. He likes music and has a unique skill that allows him to play any musical instrument.

Weapon Abilities
The Serow Carbine launches an anti-gravity beam that changes an objects weight to zero.

No. 75 Japanese Name Role Species
ペギニス (Peginisu) Ice Field Warrior Penguin (ペンギン)
American Name Territory Weapon
Pugnacious Penguin Emperor of Jonston Freeze Dryer
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Pingouin Batailleur South Beach of Jonston Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Peginisu has no combat capabilities, but he can rapidly cool things to -273 ° C by using the Freeze Dryer. He can manipulate people's minds to make them fear new weapons that would be broken to pieces.

Characteristics: He is a hard worker at researching the mind and continues researching for several days. He can pretend to impersonate a singer and entertainer which he makes look good.

Weapon Abilities
The Freeze Dryer shoots liquid to turn things into the freeze-dried powder.

No. 76 Japanese Name Role Species
ウーダン (Udan) Tactical Staff Officer Orangutan (オランウータン)
American Name Territory Weapon
Osified Orangutan Emperor of Iraino Jungle Spear
French  Name Birth Place Alligance
Orang-Outan Ossifié Near the Border of Nupal Autobot
Character Info

Abilities: Udan's combat strength is a little weak, but he has no lack of power because he has no useless tactics.

Characteristics: He is the oldest elder in his group. He is a scholar who knows countless tactics. He was a disciple disciple of Peginisu.

Weapon Abilities
The Jungle Spear fires a beam at plants and makes them grow 1000 times bigger.